Reptile Enclosure

I  had the problem of my Crested gecko growing out of his enclosure and no money to purchase a larger one.

I was fortunate that one of my friends had some left over wood from a project, that he had left out in the rain to get wet. i gathered the salvageable wood and took them to my workshop to dry out while i drew up plans for the design. I wanted something that was larger in height than width as crested geckos enjoy climbing, around this i thought of a rectangular shaped box with pine slat sides for a more professional look


The enclosure was to be located in my bathroom, i wanted to create a rainforest feel but still maintain a classic vintage appearance. I thought of a Gold frame to act as the front of the enclosure and also the door/ventilation


this is the finished piece above. pine panels, MDF frame. Two recycled yoga mats for installation,Old tent ground mat for lining. Boxes under bottom contain soil for live plants. Gold frame from charity shop £2, gold mesh from B&Q £4, Perspex shield from an old picture

Total Cost of project : £6

I am very happy with the outcome, i enjoyed every part of design process and I’m surprised how very little problems i came across

i will always draw up plans for home furnishing rather than go out and spend in future

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