Philippe Starck

Philippe starch is a interior and product designer, his work has always appealed to me from his furniture to the tech systems to watches. i bought the o ring watch a few years before i started researching Philippe out of curiosity, i loved the way it had a whole through the mechanism. It show me to think out side the box. Starck‘s creations always have a wow factor to them as he manipulates every day normality. 

Gun-Lamp by philippe stark pop kitsch furniture designfossil-philippe-sarck-o-ring-watch-ph1085

I like Philippe’s use of colour how he mainly uses darks and metallics but can display a small but very influential splash of bright colours. The Speakers below are a create example of his engineering knowledge using the physics of sound to create a beautiful sleek look.


“I’m trying to move towards making objects which are honest, objects for non-consumers, for “modern rebels”. Look, there are already millions of excellent chairs which are very comfortable, lamps which provide light, and so on. Is it necessary to create any more? The only question is: what will it bring to the human being who is going to use it? The urgent thing today is not to create a car or a chair which is more beautiful than another; what is urgent is for us all to fight with every means at our disposal against the fact that something is becoming extinct: love”

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